
Here I will share the information of what is occurring in our world of recreation by means of OHV/ATV riding. Information here will concern All Access to our forest for responsible recreation. You may comment here as you wish. Be nice though, we don't need any thing derogatory or demeaning to our cause. If you wish just e-mail me then about what you wish to reply on. Share as much as you can here to inform others as to our problem that we all need to keep working on........ Our Land Rights Use. Some links will include Professional People who Advocate as well. Take notice that we all have the same problem ........ Land Use........Our rights to recreate in our own forest.
Contacting me is easy, and that is encouraged also. You may make suggestions for information to be added here as well.
Also you may check out the web site (Special Interest - Ouachita ATV Adventure Club) for further information to prevent duplication.

Friday, December 3, 2010

ATVs Today All Terrain Vehicles Quads Trails

ATVs Today All Terrain Vehicles Quads Trails

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Anthracite Outdoor Adverture Area Meeting part6of6

Anthracite Outdoor Adverture Area Meeting part1of6

Monday, August 23, 2010

Where do all of us stand with our forest?

In America, The People are of many nationalities. This is what makes up our great country, this is what we are made of. So the very same is what "we" elect into our government offices to run our country. So, why is it that those same elected officials are the ones trying to keep all of us out of our very own forest? How can this be happening? Here in our own country!
What has happened for this situation to occur that would prevent The People of this great nation from recreating responsibly in the forest? So many questions, so little time to wait for answers from those elected officials. We, the People need to unite for our rights, our rights to be able to recreate in our very own forest before it is taken away from us.

It is a very good idea for all of us to come together, notify our local representatives, Senator's, Congressmen, and all other officials that will make a difference in our lives. It takes as many numbers as we can get in order to make our numbers strong enough to be heard by our government. Think of what the many environmentalist do to get heard by those officials - they support those officials with donations to their campaigns to get them elected so the votes go their way. Like keeping other people out of the forest, like all of us OHV people. It is a one sided situation in a sense. On one side are the environmentalist - the politicians - and corporate America being fed what those are saying is the way it should be and then giving them millions to fight with as well as give to the politicians.
On the other side are the People whom want to recreate in the forest - Horse Back Riders - OHV - ATV - Campers. We need to join as many groups as possible, get corporate America to join with us and then we can fight stronger. We need to keep in contact with all of our political representatives so they know where we stand and we will know where they stand as well. To win a battle against your opponent you must know as much as possible about them. Even if it takes being a member with them in their organization.
General Patten would study his opponent so he knew just as much about them as they do them selves , if not more. Gen. Patten prevailed in most cases. Our battle is not far from being the same. If we let those environmentalist keep learning more about our recreation and we stand by to see what will happen in order for us to retaliate, than we have lost before we even get started.
So......become an Advocate for your area. Tell friends - tell other riders on the trails - speak out - let others know how you are effected by trail closures and the jobs lost when trails are closed. The economy looses big time when trails close, then families will not have "family time".
Don't sit back thinking the other guy will do all the work for you to enjoy any trails. It Takes All of US to get this done. Unite......Come together......Join a club......support Blue Ribbon Coalition.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Here you will find the means on just how to Advocate the right way for our trails.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

ATV / OHV Trail Advocating

Here we are. Another summer of trail riding and having fun with family and friends. But wait! Why are so many trails being closed? Why are we told we can no longer ride in these areas we enjoyed so much? What has happened here?
USFS/USDA and our President has spent this year closing as much as possible from the American People. With the MVUM out from USFS and the "Monument Bill" signed...what else can possibly come our way?
We all need to unite.....come together as one.....increase our numbers.......advocate for our recreational rights.