
Here I will share the information of what is occurring in our world of recreation by means of OHV/ATV riding. Information here will concern All Access to our forest for responsible recreation. You may comment here as you wish. Be nice though, we don't need any thing derogatory or demeaning to our cause. If you wish just e-mail me then about what you wish to reply on. Share as much as you can here to inform others as to our problem that we all need to keep working on........ Our Land Rights Use. Some links will include Professional People who Advocate as well. Take notice that we all have the same problem ........ Land Use........Our rights to recreate in our own forest.
Contacting me is easy, and that is encouraged also. You may make suggestions for information to be added here as well.
Also you may check out the web site (Special Interest - Ouachita ATV Adventure Club) for further information to prevent duplication.

Want to know about Me? Why do I Advocate?

Way back in the my days of being a teenager, I was working as part time stock-boy at a grocery store. Back then video games were very primitive, tennis - boring and pong, so I spent time with friends just hanging out and of course with my girlfriend. A friend of mine had a Moto cross bike, I think a Yamaha, and he rode near by behind our development. I got interested in this and saved my money and bought one myself. It took some time to save up the money but with a pay check and tips coming in I was on the trails in no time.
I learned how to ride through hard knocks and there were no restrictions where we rode either. Of course it didn't take long before I wrecked the bike and found out just how much parts really cost. So, I sold it and spent more time with my girlfriend.

I graduated  high school, joined the Army for a few years and finally made my way back to my old neighborhood. After some time I had bought a Blazer 4x4 and found a new way of being on trails. I won't mention all the boring activities that a young man can get into, so on with this. Many years later I had purchased a Jeep since the Blazer was long gone and I guess I found good use of it. Who knew you could ride a Jeep on the beach! I also found out about trails that I would have never known about if it weren't for owning that Jeep.

Well, many years of marriage and a family slowed trail riding down some but it was not out of mind or spirit. After my wife had passed away, I found myself with more time on my hands than ever before. It was time to get back into the trails. I had a friend who was part of a Jeep Club and I was considering on buying another Jeep. Then on slow Sunday I was watching cable TV and came across a show that had ATV's on trails. Wow! Did I find a new way to enjoy trails? Ya bet I did!. So I started to look around to the local dealers and learn more of these ATV's. I had ridin those 3 wheeler types and they were fun but they seem to be missing something. Another wheel I guess!

So my attention was in buying an ATV and hitting the trails. I researched many machines, sizes, styles, and manufactures. I also started to look into the forest as to where you could ride them. What did I know about the forest and if ATV's were allowed back then? I used to take my Blazer and Jeep in the forest but I was not sure if ATV's were permitted.  I started to find out some things about Forestry and the Public after looking into the trails. Some rules were there but not like they are today. Plus, you had to be aware of nature, hunters, and some banjo playin folks! So I bought my first ATV, rode some power line roads, got the hang of it, yeah - it had four wheels and wasn't like a dirt bike.

So after some good riding, a safety course, and finding out that if you get too close to cattle farms how pissed the farmers can be, I was on my way to trail riding for sure! A friend of mine had moved to some mountains and I would visit him often. I discovered that those mountains had some really good trails to ride. So I bought 20 acres, built my cabin, and hit the trails.
All this time I was educating myself about the U. S. Forestry and recreation in the forest. I took some classes to educate myself further about this subject, recreation in the U. S. Forest and the responsibilities that came with it.

So where I had moved to in the mountains had some of the best trails I had ever ridin before. I looked around for an ATV Club and I was surprised that there weren't any. So....I started my first ATV Club. With a little help from NOHVCC for the proper way to start a club and getting an IRS classification, the club was well on it's way.  Memberships took off to 75 with in 2 months time and eventually was up to 300, I arranged for club activities, trail rides, and even worked on the trails to clean them up and repair them, the club was in parades, I developed a web site that would get a lot of attention and people would contact me to come ride with us.

All the while I was deeper in preserving our rights to recreate in our forest responsibly. I stepped down from club president and stayed with them as an adviser for a short time until they got a feel for running the club.
This whole time I was not aware that I was so involved in trail preservation as I was. People from many states would e-mail me asking about situations in certain areas, or if trails were still open, and the current USFS Plans that affect trail users. I found myself to be very involved with making "Comments" and "Appeals" to the USFS to help save trails. Again, I was still taking classes on being educated in this recreation, being very involved in what our government was proposing to the people and trail riders by closing trails with out true due cause and sometimes with out the knowledge of the Public.
By now I was very involved in Advocating to Save Trails for Recreation. I became a member of many organizations that have been doing just what I was but for much longer and were also receiving donations that kept them going.

So, here I am.....A Trail Advocate to Preserve Our Recreational rights in our United States of America's Forest. I actually enjoy what I do because I meet some really great people, I have gained some very good friends, and I also ride trails where ever I may be. Do you really need to ask "Why" I do this? Do I get Paid for what I do? ......... Not in money........ No one has handed me a New ATV so I can be out on the trails Advocating further with other trails riders. I use my first ATV for which has some good mileage on it now and is a bit worn. One thing though, food for thought before I continue, if just some of what I do can save a trail from being closed........than I was paid well...... a trail for all to ride and enjoy.

Advocating takes a lot of a persons time, energy, printing, leg work, phone calls, and yes....MONEY.
During my time of Advocating I have spent so much of my money that I am having to rethink my actions. Do I stop doing what I am so passionate about?  How do I limit what I spend when it requires so much to start with? These are just some of the questions that I ask myself each and every day while Advocating.

So, I ask this, is it asking too much to try to get help in this venture? Many people ask others to help in their quest or venture for funding to support their cause with the expenses that they endure. With out support, most would not be doing what they believe in and working so hard at. Many times it takes a run to the office supply store to have copies made, send a fax, supplies needed, and it all has a value.

So I am asking for Support in my Advocating from People. Help me work harder to Save Trails from extinction. Support what YOU believe in by donating what you can so I may STOP Trail Closure by the work that I do.

My work involves writing local Representatives, Governors, Senators, The President, Directors of USDA and USFS as well as BLM and Fish and Wildlife to name a few. I make "Comments" during the Public input period and then when the time arrives, I make "Appeals" and follow up on each. I spend a great deal of time on the phone as well as the computer. I even travel, when funds are available, to an area to obtain direct contact with management in that area to help stop actions that will prevent recreation of Off Highway Vehicles in the forest. I also assist a local area to start a club, gain members, state requirements, and help with the IRS 501 ( C ) (3) in order to gain "Non-Profit Status" to obtain donated funds from many government organizations.

So again, I ask, Please help me Help YOU Save our Trails from Closure. Once they are CLOSED......they are gone for ever. Contact me, R. Brooks, at ouachitaatvadventureclub@yahoo.com any time, in the Heading put "Sponsorship" and I will respond promptly.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and I hope we can become partners in Saving Trails

Donating and or Contributing to this cause does not fall under the IRS format of 501 ( c )  (3 ), for which is for Non-Profit Organizations Only. Any and all Contributions or Donations will be applied to the cause here mentioned to Saving Trails. Contacting R. Brooks through e-mail for "Sponsorship " shall remain between the two parties and no information will be shared or sold for any purpose.