
Here I will share the information of what is occurring in our world of recreation by means of OHV/ATV riding. Information here will concern All Access to our forest for responsible recreation. You may comment here as you wish. Be nice though, we don't need any thing derogatory or demeaning to our cause. If you wish just e-mail me then about what you wish to reply on. Share as much as you can here to inform others as to our problem that we all need to keep working on........ Our Land Rights Use. Some links will include Professional People who Advocate as well. Take notice that we all have the same problem ........ Land Use........Our rights to recreate in our own forest.
Contacting me is easy, and that is encouraged also. You may make suggestions for information to be added here as well.
Also you may check out the web site (Special Interest - Ouachita ATV Adventure Club) for further information to prevent duplication.

What is Happening NOW

Well, so much information that there just isn't enough space here for it all. May I suggest that you go to the Blue Ribbon Coalition web site for their magazine and see what they are offering. http://www.sharetrails.org/magazine/
The BRC Mag offers a lot of ongoing information that is very helpful.

Okay, so I go to my Mail Box at the post office and found I have mail from USDA/USFS Cibola National Forest  in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hhhhmmm! What could this be? Guess I shall open it.
It is the "New" Travel Management on the Mountainair  Ranger district. This should be very interesting to read.
Well the cover page must be true, it says "Decision Notice - Finding of No Significant Impact - Cibola National Forest"
After reading through the pages and looking at the two small maps that came with this package, it is far from being true. Where does USFS Nancy Rose - Forest Supervisor - Cibola National Forest , get "her" information from?  It is an insult to the American People. 255,000 acres of forest with in the districts boundaries and 37,000 acres with in the "Manzanos Mountain Wilderness" leaving a total of 169,000 acres for this project area. What???? Do I see this correctly here? Only 169,000 acres are for concern to The People? Okay, I will go on here.
So there are 471.4 miles of roads that are open for the Public to use in the Mountainair Ranger District. 60.6 miles of roads are managed for standard passenger vehicles such as sedans, low clearance vehicles. Then there are 410.8 miles of roads for pick up trucks and SUV's. Wait, here is more of the figures, 9 miles of roads are just for USFS to use. Well, this sounds nice so far.....right? Wrong!. There is more here.

"Previous Decisions"
The "Travel Management Rule " is stating that the USFS Officials may at anytime incorporate Previous Decisions and prohibitions of motor vehicle use in designating National Forest Roads. Wait a minute bucko!
"Anytime they see fit for any reason they may think of?"
So NOW we are to let USFS just say when ever they happen to think of a closure they can do it with out The People's knowledge or input? Just because? No Way! (it is in Black and white in front of me now)
Then...."Seasonal Road Closures" ....... what? So if the "Season" shows some degrading or too much rain has caused erosion than the USFS can close the road? It will be opened back when? Will it be opened at all?
Also that "Closures" will be posted in the field when they are in effect. This isn't sounding too good already!
I am still on the first page here too!
Then USFS will be diverting "Traffic Flow" from one forest road to another because of "Natural and Cultural Resources". Says Who? Where are the test for The People to see what they are talking about?
Yeah! Try getting hold of them. Kind of like having dinner with the President, it just won't happen.
Okay, moving on to page #4.
"Re-Construct segments of roads to provide motorized access >but< Will Not Appear on the MVUM until reconstruction is complete"
What am I missing here? It will be done but will not be on the MVUM "Until it is completed". This is scary to think that USFS will "Add to MVUM after Completion". I don't think so. If notations are not placed on the MVUM as to the "Soon to be Completed" by "so and so date" then it will never happen nor are USFS obligated to do so then.
Then to add more fright here........... " Change the designation of 253.6 miles of roads 
>Currently Open to the public to be closed for administration Only".
What??? Talk about the proverbial shaft here!
I just can not believe what I read in this. This is supposed to be The Alternative #3 that is good for The People and recreation. Why does it not sound like recreation is even considered here so far?
Tylenol........Please take the pain away!
So now it shows that 234.3 miles of roads are to be open for The Public use by all vehicles. Amazing!

"Forest Service personnel will be allowed limited administrative motorized use of ANY ROUTE for the protection or management  of resources"

So let me get this one straight here. The People are Not to Travel on the other 253.6 miles of roads, which was always open to The People, so USFS may have Private roads for them selves to hide from The People?
Well, maybe "Hide" was too harsh. "Not Be Seen"....okay!
I am sure the reader here is starting to see that I am not too appreciative of what I am reading. The People's land and we are being told that WE CAN NOT USE it responsibly.

Then.....page #5......"The Forest Supervisor can implement special orders to restrict Public use of roads and trails". Wow! Such power Nancy Rose wants to have. For no true reason this comment was in writing so that the Forest Supervisor maintained control over The people's use of OUR Forest Roads.

Page #7........."Rationale for the Decision"

You have got to be kidding me here! Rationale? By what standards? I have not seen any in this report as of yet. If I have missed something here than please some one tell me where.....Rationale.

There are No trails specific to a certain user other than hikers and horses. All of the other access are Roads not trails.

Page #8..... "Loss and Reduction of Motorized recreation Opportunities"

4X4 fully sized vehicles were Not considered in this decision: thus 234.3 miles of ROADS are for ATV - UTV - Jeeps - and 4X4 vehicles.
But the hikers and horse back riders are given a Specific trail to use. Go figure this thought basis. Is this showing prejudice here? Selected groups get what they want because those ATV- UTV-4X4- and Jeep groups may have had to work when the Public Sessions were going on.

Page  #10...... Public Involvement 

The Mountainair Ranger District Travel Management Interdisciplinary Team ( ID team ) initiated a collaborative process to inform the Public about the Travel Management Planning Process in January 2008.
Wait a minute. The Who? The ID Team. Where did they come from? Who do they consist of? It is even hard to say all of that. Makes me feel like I have a dirty mouth! Do i need a bar of soap to get that taste out of my mouth?
So the ID Team decided most of this in 2008 for All of US?
I suggest that the reader here go and read all of this for them selves.

Also on page #12....... (you'll like this one too)
Degree to which the actions affect Public Health or Safety

>Areas  with abandoned mines will be less accessible by motorized vehicle and will be less likely to be discovered, thereby decreasing the likelihood of a mine related accidents in these areas.<

Well............!!!! So The People are not going to be able to see the history as it was back in the days. It would be a better decision for Entry Prevention Bars to be installed instead of "Removing the History" all together. This would give each trail/road user the chance to experience the history in the area and education of what once was.

Submit Appeals to;
Corbin L. Newman Jr.
Regional Forester / Appeal Deciding Officer
USDA Forest Office
Southern Region
333 Broadway SE
Albuquerque, NM 87102

The Forest Supervisor whom wrote this was Nancy Rose

I am just flabbergasted with all of what I have read on this. It sounds more like "hey trail/road users....live with it or I will close it" type of deal. Well, she - Nancy Rose -  did put in the report that she will retain the right to close what ever she wants to, when she wants to at any time.

So if you "The Reader" have been keeping up on this one than feel free to comment. If you have not....feel free to send me some Tylenol.!!
I suggest you go to their web site and read up on all of this. I won't say that it will not hurt you, but at least you will have a much better understanding of what is coming "Down the Trails" so to speak

Let me know what YOU think and if maybe you have found out some more on this action.