
Here I will share the information of what is occurring in our world of recreation by means of OHV/ATV riding. Information here will concern All Access to our forest for responsible recreation. You may comment here as you wish. Be nice though, we don't need any thing derogatory or demeaning to our cause. If you wish just e-mail me then about what you wish to reply on. Share as much as you can here to inform others as to our problem that we all need to keep working on........ Our Land Rights Use. Some links will include Professional People who Advocate as well. Take notice that we all have the same problem ........ Land Use........Our rights to recreate in our own forest.
Contacting me is easy, and that is encouraged also. You may make suggestions for information to be added here as well.
Also you may check out the web site (Special Interest - Ouachita ATV Adventure Club) for further information to prevent duplication.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Where are we Now

So....where are we now? Our President is saying that New Jobs will be coming soon, statistics are reporting a higher unemployment rate, and more and more people are out of work. Then there are the forest trails that we enjoy recreating in. All of this land that the government says that "they" have.....IS NOT THEIRS. All of this land....here in America......forest land.....belongs to the People of America.....NOT THE GOVERNMENT.
So why is it that Our Government is telling us....in some cases telling us - but not always saying anything.....that they will be closing access to the forest because of budget cuts, damage from the People, and that ATV - OHV are detrimental to the forest.
So many changes are set to happen that will affect our recreating in our very own forest and if We don't act fast, Become a Part of the Solution, we will not get it back once it is closed. Each person must contact their political representatives and let them know that We want Our Forest for Our Recreation  as it was set out to be from the start. The Wildlife still has millions of acres to graze and live, all We are asking for is Our Small part to recreate in. But.....We must Act Now......Now. That means stop surfing the web that accomplishes nothing and Help Save Your Trails. How hard can it be to Become a Part of the Solution?

All I ask is for YOU to stand up for Your Rights....this Land is Your Land....Your Children's Land....and Your grand children's land. Wake up already......Only YOU can Help Stop the Land Grab that will keep the American People from accessing our very own land.....Our Forest. This isn't a joke......not a internet scare....or a political move.....IT IS FACT.

Fell free to contact me anytime for assistance and I will be glad to help you in this quest.


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