Here is a beautiful setting where a camper has set up "home" for the weekend so they may ride the trails.
Just look real hard........all the comforts of "home" but yet still in the forest. Amongst Nature, family, friends, and hundreds of acres of forest trails to enjoy.
Sounds real nice huh? It is.! Notice the ATV is a 2-up (2 person seat ATV) and they even have the wood for the controlled fire at night. Aaaahhhh! What more can you ask for?
HEY!................WAKE UP!...................All of this is going away. YES......Going Away. If our USFS - USDA - BLM - and our President have their way........ it will all become National Monument. No Person will be able to enjoy the forest then. No Person!
So why is this happening you ask. Well, environmentalist have a much bigger budget of donations to work with than all of the groups combined that are working to save trails. We need to change this statistic Right Now. We......The People..........need to get our donations from our local businesses, corporations, hospitals, municipal funds, and even our bosses to get our budgets up to a working force. Don't just sit back waiting for some one else to get this rolling...........Just Do It!
We.....The People......trail users of all kinds need to unite in order for this to happen. Yes we can bring together the horse back riders, the mountain bikers and bike riders, the hikers, the ATV riders, UTV-RTV riders, 4 X 4's, JEEPs, and any one that has the same interest as we do.....................SAVING TRAILS for our Recreational Use.
Don't be shy, talk to any one you meet about this. Too many people are not aware of what is going on in their own back our forest. They don't even know that OUR OWN Government is working hard to close Public access to the forest for what they call "Sustainability of the Forest". Does any one even know what this means? Just a little time on your computer checking this out will provide you with enough information to probably get you upset enough to get the ball rolling in your area.
It isn't like your local government, Local Representative, Governor, Senator or such are going to speak out and say something about what is to come soon. They are elected by YOU, Paid by YOU, Work for YOU..... do you think they want to mess with the job YOU elected them for? So why would they speak out and tell the Public about what is coming from Washington DC about our Forest. Because our Government has something to say about it......... keep it low........ keep it slow........ and the Public won't catch on.
Well, guess what...........People like me, the Blue Ribbon Coalition, NOHVCC,and local clubs are very much aware of what is happening to our land use rights.
You should be also.......get a team save Trails for futures to come.
Hey, don't feel like it may be a lot to handle - well sort of - and don't feel that it is All Politics......... it isn't. If each person who has the same interest in Trails as I do would just write one letter and donate $5.00 to the BRC Legal Fund than we would be very close to getting our message across to our elected officials. Then we have a chance to Stopping the actions from our own government.
Any one can become an ADVOCATE just by spending a few hours each weekend, from the couch time, to send letters and make phone calls to our government to get the message across that we care and are not going to take this any more - Our Government quietly taking away our recreational rights.
So get involved.........Just Do It!